Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I had our family Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Our family keeps on growing and growing. How can two people end up with a family of 17 when we only had three children? Well. I'll tell you.
My DH and myself = two
All three children and spouses = six.
Each couple have two children = six
Three grandchildren have boyfriends and girlfriend = three.
Two + six+six+three = seventeen.

I was amazed how much food that many can consume. My two daughters, daughter in law and a grand daughter contributed to the table and helped prepare. We had a great time.
The menu: Turkey, roast beef, gravy for each, potatoes, turnip casserole, peas, corn, stuffing, two salads, rolls, horse radish, and cranberry sauce. Pumpkin pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, apple crisp and ice cream. Wine, juice, milk, tea and coffee.
Everyone had a full tummy.

Note made to myself to increase the shopping list for Christmas.

There is just enough leftovers for hubby and I for dinner, so no cooking for me today.
I plan on doing a couple of hours sewing this afternoon.

Have a great day.


  1. Oh yum, yum! I'm reading about all these T'giving dinners and now I'm starved! And I have to wait another month!!!!

  2. Sounds yummy. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
